24/7 In Touch

+00 210-588-3617

Email Address

[email protected]

Our Location

10 Bartlett Road, Westford,US

Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

Who We Are?

Who We Are?

Who We Are?

We are a nonprofit Organization committed to Alleviate the grievances of vanished

Nuba people that composed of ninety-nine (99) ethnic groups.

We Are a Nonprofit Organization

We are currently in need of financial assistance for vulnerable populations, universities and college students who are chasing their dreams in the amidst of poverty. They need support for food, clothing, lodging, transportation to and from school, toiletries, and school supplies. Please help these children create their dream life.

Your generous donation will fund our mission to feed poor children and provide them clothing and school supplies. Your regular support will help us get an inch closer to our ultimate goal of seeing more children achieve their dream life.

Please help us reach our goal of helping 259 students who are in need of school supplies. You can sponsor a kid for $15 for school supplies or $25 for school supplies and a pair of clothing. Together we can nourish the future.

Our Core Values

  • Advocacy: advocate voiceless victims and war survivors.
  • Transformation: Individuals and communities are transformed into ones with dignity and totality through a spiritual, social, economic, and physical change.
  • Sustainability: Durable impact is recognized through locally sustainable programs that flourish the needs of communities to thrive
  • Empowerment: Human resources development designed to empower the most disadvantaged victims in devastated areas and enabling local communities, leaders, and individuals become agents of changes in their communities
  • Teamwork: The means of development are demonstrated through partnering with the local community, like-minded organizations, and individuals.
  • Compassion: Demonstrating the feeling for shared grievances with a hope to relieve protracted unwanted sufferings.


So what we do is

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