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Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

Get Inspired and Help Others

Get Inspired and Help Others

Get Inspired and Help Others

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Importance of Mountains in Worldview

Get inspired by Mountains have many historical blessings for different cultures, including:

For many cultures the most important of these blessings is water. Other blessings that flow from sacred mountains include fertility, health, and wellbeing, as well as treasures of various kinds.

people look up to mountains as sources of inspiration, renewal, wisdom, creativity, and vision. Sages, yogis, hermits, healers, shamans, and prophets around the world have gone up to mountains in search of spiritual transformation.

Biblical Blessings of the Mountains

Notable Marvels Upon the People of the Nuba Mountains in Sudan

As we’ve realized how massive the blessings to many nations that comes through the mountains, how much can you imagine what happened to the people of the Nuba Mountains in Sudan as a result of mountainous blessings?

You too can be a source of big blessings by extending your hands with generous support to the people of Nuba Mountains … Enable them determined their own rights ….


So what we do is

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