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+00 210-588-3617

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Our Location

10 Bartlett Road, Westford,US

Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

Rural Development

Rural Development

Rural Development

Visionary initiative connected with process of improving the quality of of life and economic being of people

Rural Development:

 Our service for rural development aims to improve the lives of people living in marginalized areas, where a majority of them are living poverty live. This initiative is designed to help reduce poverty in these areas by reducing the number of people moving from countryside urbanized and civilized dwellings.  Our rural development projects are aiming to help achieve the following goals:

  • Reduce overwhelming poverty.
  • Improve enhanced infrastructure.
  • Provide better access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities for all citizens.
  • Improve the quality of life.
  • Provide clean water, electricity, and proper communication
  • Ensure sufficient and healthy food.
  • Provide clothing and footwear
  • Ensure a clean environment and community
  • Provide recreational necessities
  • Ensure the availability of transportations

In an attempt to safeguard our cornerstone mission for rebuilding, sustainable, resilient, safer and dignified society, the promotion of sustainable rural development emerged which is a process that aims to improve the quality of life for rural marginalized communities while preserving the environment. Some of assigned principles of sustainable rural development include:

  • Environmental: Preserving and improving the quality of the environment, natural resources, and biodiversity. This includes responsible management of natural resources to meet current needs without compromising future needs.
  • Social: Ensuring the social well-being of the population. This includes reducing the rural-urban gap, stamping out poverty, and preventing internal migration.
  • Economic: Ensuring the sustainability of the economy, creating new jobs, entrepreneurships, and reducing the vulnerability of the farming sector by adapting more agricultural development projects.
  • Infrastructure: Developing infrastructure that provides access to services, cultural activities, and institutions.
  • Education: Ensuring proper education of the rural population.

By adopting these credible sustainable practices, the marginalized areas will enhance the well-being of their communities while preserving their attainable natural resources for their future generatioins. 

All services that we do are carried through these pillars 

“When the weather’s good, there is no better place to live a good life than the countrysides of the Nuba Mountains region”


So what we do is

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