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Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

High Commission of Youths & Generations Development

High Commission

Heads of mission if specific area of concern that demand high performance

Interchangeable cooperation and promotion of necessary growth as required by citizens living in particular geographical territories.

Bolis Ismail Koko

Mission Taskforces

  • Youth Preparedness Mission Taskforce 
  • Youth Connection & Leadership Mission Taskforce

Project Initiatives

  • Coming Up Soon !
  • Coming Up Soon !

High Commission of Youths & Generations Development


Youths are the future and the present of the global workforce.

Young people play a vital role in shaping our society, as agents of changes and progress and as the future leaders of the nation. They are the ones who provide much needed insights about what works and what might not work for a particular community. Their ideas, words and actions can influence peers, adults and even policy decisions, because they usually bring social reforms and improvement in society by delivering fresh perspectives to the table and they often question societal norms and push for change in areas such as social justice, environmental protection and human rights.

The goal is to help them reach their full potential and meet the challenges of adulthood. Our aim is to allow young people to escape poverty, lead better and more fulfilling lives and contributing to accelerating growth and democratic development. We believe that:

  • Young people can bring valuable perspectives to issues that affect their communities, such as education, healthcare, the environment, and immigration. Their participation can help communities become stronger and more resilient.
  • Young people are often open to new ideas and willing ot challenges outdated practices and speak out against injustices.
  • They can advocate for social cohesion and peace, lead initiatives for gender equality and help end inequality.
  • Young people can help drive economic development by providing new perspectives and energy. They can create job opportunities for themselves and build skills needed to start their businesses.

Commission dedicated to:

strives to develop youth and a new generation through the process that helps young people prepare for adulthood and adolescence by developing kills and competencies through activities and experiences.


To unlock the potential of youth and empowering them with the necessary skills for success.


  • Create deliberate significance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurships.
  • Expand youth access to quality of formal education support programs and work-based learning.
  • Encourage all sectors of community that include but not limit to family, schools or faith-based organization to create and support youth development initiatives that will empower youth to make differences in their communities
  • Treat youth with respect and involve them in decision-making around services delivery.
  • Empowering youth to identify and respond to community needs helps them become empathetic, reflective individuals, setting on a course to potentially continue the significant work in the future.

Coordinators of Geographical Territories:

Coming Up Soon !

Coming Up Soon !

Commission’s Activities

Coming Up Soon !

Coming Up Soon !

Join out Team in the Field

You are highly welcome to join us and apply your potentials by serving under one of our powerful high commissions and connect with
appropriate taskforce. Pease fill our below form.

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