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Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

High Commission of Reconciliation & Peace Building

High Commission

Heads of mission if specific area of concern that demand high performance

Interchangeable cooperation and promotion of necessary growth as required by citizens living in particular geographical territories.

Rev. Adam Daud Abushok

Mission Taskforces

  • Peace-building Mission Taskforce
  • Reconciliation Mission Taskforce

Project Initiatives

  • Coming Up Soon !
  • Coming Up Soon !

High Commission of Reconciliation & Peace Building


All persons have a right to peace so that they can fully develop al their capacities, physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual, without being that target of any kind of violence

Undoubtedly, societies build trust, cooperation and inclusiveness through peace because without peace nothing can be achieved in any community. It helps communities manage their internal disputes, adapt to change and be resilient to shocks. Peacebuilding can also enable development, security, social and economic justice, reconciliation, enable people feel positive and energetic, resist negative attitudes, and perform better works in any given task, because it supports them to be more creative, and solve emerging problems faster.

Commission dedicated to:

Maintaining societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. Understanding that by building a peaceful society will have public spaces and activities that will bring people together and help them realize that their fate is closely linked.


To prevent the outbreak, escalation, continuation and resources of conflicts, address the root causes, assist parties in the conflicts to end hostilities, ensure regional reconciliation and more towards recovery, reconstruction and development of the demolished region.


  • Address the root causes of violences and conflicts, such as poverty, inequality and marginalizations in our society.
  • Create a supportive environment for lasting peace by addressing the underlying causes of conflicts and resolving injustices in nonviolent ways.
  • Create policies that uphold economic and social development, by promoting dialogue and reconciliation between different ethnic groups.
  • Resolve injustices in nonviolent ways and transform structural conditions that generate deadly conflicts by reforming institutions, creating rule of law mechanisms, and ensuring marginalized groups have right to express their opinions.

Coordinators of Geographical Territories:

Coming Up Soon !

Coming Up Soon !

Commission’s Activities

Coming Up Soon !

Coming Up Soon !

Join out Team in the Field

You are highly welcome to join us and apply your potentials by serving under one of our powerful high commissions and connect with
appropriate taskforce. Pease fill our below form.

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