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Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

Help Us Support Community Empowerment

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Help Us Support Community Empowerment

Dignity is inheriting rights for all, and it can be achieved by enabling communities to increase control over their lives.

Our Community Empowerment Program empowers communities to change their own lives. We believe that every human being – woman, man, and child – has the right to human dignity.

Sudan Hope Project empowers communities nationwide to develop and achieve their vision for the future, leading to human rights and dignity for all. As a necessary principle to maintain these rights our community empowerment initiative addresses the social, cultural, political, and economic determinants that underpin health, and seeks to build partnerships with other sectors in finding solutions.  We envision a world where everyone is treated equally and respectfully; where they are able to live a life free from harm; where they have the tools, they need to determine their own future and fulfill their potential.

Human rights as the cornerstone of its approach that ensures everything, we do reinforce human rights and responsibilities and covers many facets of well-being including women’s empowerment and gender equality, health knowledge and practices, improved behaviors for the reduction of malaria, HIV/AIDS, and other diseases, teaching literacy and numeracy, good governance and promotion of grassroots democracy, Increased enrollment of girls in formal school, changing harmful practices like female genital cutting and child marriage, emergence of female leadership in the community and local government, protection of maternal and child health, protection of children’s rights, And enhancement of economic opportunities at a local level.

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