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Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

Build A Community

Build A Community

Building Communities

Combine and inclusive and shared values, internists, passions

Build Sustainable Communities:

Sustainable communities are the communities that are capable to manage their human, natural, and financial capital to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are available for future generations. Building sustainable communities, whether they are villages, cities, and societies at large, will be critical to eliminating poverty and boosting shared prosperity. Specifically, the concept of “Sustainable Cities and Communities” of the World Bank’s Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice includes four key dimensional benefits:

Environmental benefits

Sustainable Communities are environmentally sustainable in terms of cleanliness, efficiency and protecting the environment. By Preserving natural resources, conserving land, water, air and quality and promoting sustainable practices can help ensure these resources are available for future generations. Creating green spaces and promoting sustainable land use practices can contribute to the health and well-being of communities

Social benefits

Sustainable communities are the communities that can foster a sense of belonging and promote inclusiveness and social cohesion and social well-being. They bring all dimensions of society and all groups of people, including the marginalized and vulnerable populations into their markets, their services, and their development by creating safe and walkable neighborhoods, providing access to quality healthcare and education, and promoting community engagement. They can also be inclusive communities that bring all groups of people into their markets, services.

We aspire to build sustainable communities that can promote social cohesion and a sense of belonging by creating safe and walkable neighborhoods, providing access to quality healthcare and education, and promoting community engagement. They can also be inclusive communities that bring all groups of people into their markets, services, and development.

Economic benefits

Sustainable communities are communities that can be more resilient to social, economic, and natural shocks, such as natural disasters that are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change. Communities create jobs and foster economic growth. By investing in local resources and infrastructure, communities can become more self-sufficient and less reliant on external sources of income. This can lead to more stable and resilient local economies, which are better equipped to weather economic downturns.

We aspire to build sustainable communities that can enable collective growth that creates value for society. This can be done through a shared value approach, where business success is linked with social progress.

Collective growth

Sustainable Communities are competitive communities that can stay productive and generate jobs for members of the community. They are resilient to social, economic, and natural shocks. They are well prepared for natural disasters, which are increasing in intensity and frequency due to climate change.

Build Resilient Communities:

Community resilience is the ability of a community to recover from a disaster or persist sustainably in the face of a new, ongoing hardship. Disasters and other threats are becoming increasingly common, especially those caused by climate change, increasing globalization, and urbanization. And as communities themselves continue to grow, both in size and complexity, the risk to those communities increases.

While sustainability looks at how current generations can meet their needs without compromising that ability for future generations, resilience considers a system's ability to prepare for threats, to absorb impacts, and to recover and adapt after disruptive events. People in the Nuba Mountains region of Sudan continue to experience massive impacts that affect their lives and they have lately confronted them with limit attempts that enabled them survive with it. Early preparation for expected upcoming challenges is the cornerstone of our mission to build resilient communities.

Community resilience is a measure of the sustained ability of a community to utilize available resources to respond to, withstand, and recover from adverse situations.

Frequently speaking, there is a perception that community resilience work is considered complete once the physical and psychological need are met. In our homeland (Sudan), this could be further from the truth as majority of families that we serve and love have gone through prolonged periods of irresistible sufferings, leading to poor mental and emotional health. This ultimately degrades and affects the intimate and close-knit institution of a family. This is where we partner alongside our families to help pick themselves back up and continue with life.

Build Safer Communities:

The feature of a safe community is the ability of all its citizens regardless of gender, race, age, income, sexuality, language or ability - to participate fully and freely in all its environments. This requires that citizens both feels, and are, safe and that they have meaningful opportunities to participate in local decision-making processes.

A safe community that fulfills our need of belong.

Just like food and shelter, a sense of belonging is a basic and important human need. According to various researches, feeling that you belong is most important in seeing value in life and in coping with painful emotions. When we cannot find a healthy community to which we can belong, sometimes, we choose to belong to a destructive group. That’s visible in gang members and cult groups. We see children in school participating in several dangerous and illegal activities due to decent pressure. When they give into equal pressure, children feel accepted and a sense of belonging.

To avoid trying to be accepted for the wrong reasons or in the wrong group, we need to find a healthy community of which we can become a part.

A safe community that can transform our lives.

Research shows that a sense of belonging to a greater community improves your motivation, health, and happiness. It brings us connection and new friends and develops our social and relationship skills. Feeling connected greatly increases our self-confidence and helps us combat depression and stay physically active.

To avoid the isolation and marginalization, we need to build communities that dedicates its efforts to bring together individuals from a range of sectors to tackle crime.

A safe community that can help its citizens experience happiness.

Developing and maintaining open, trusting, and authentic relationships are essential to living a happy life. People who connect with others in deep, meaningful ways and who are emotionally generous feel less stressed and are happier in general. Being in a community helps us feel more supported, but we also experience higher levels of happiness when we give support, too. So, we need people that are

Build Dignified Communities:

Dignity is not the same as respect.
Dignity is a feature that we are born with—it is our inherent value and self-worth. Respect is different. Although everyone has dignity, but not everyone deserves respect. Respect must be earned, but dignity is something we all deserve no matter what we do. It is the starting point for the way we treat one another. Some scholars defined dignity as “the glue that holds all of our relationships together” and “the mutual recognition of the desire to be seen, heard, listened to, and treated fairly; to be recognized, understood, and to feel safe in the world.”

The topic of building dignified communities is contentious, but the notion that individuals and communities, regardless of race or place, have a right to equal treatment under the law. Our board members offered evidence that we are falling short of these goals and outlined evidence-informed approaches to move toward realizing the ideal and importance of being included in a dignified society. Some of the steps for moving forward in that path include:

  • Establishing
    a shared understanding of the history of marginalized indigenous people and its negative impact, particularly for communities of color, to accurately contextualize where we are today.
  • Reframing
    the issue as and institutional can help stakeholders gain a clearer understanding of both how a community has experienced this issue in the past and what needs they have now.
  • Developing
    a common understanding of the issues we face—with an emphasis on addressing the root causes of internal conflicts and community fragmentations.
  • Increasing
    alignment around values and priorities to measure and act on the things that matter to all people in the community.
  • Sincerely
    listening to communities, taking care to incorporate the voices and experiences of those who have been downgraded and overlooked.

Building dignified communities is designed plan for intimacy to combine community segments. Bringing communities together can be challenging, but a happy and healthy society grows success. As a remotely isolated villages and rural dwellings face the many difficulties of building a robust community, individuals must recognize the multiple benefits of a joined community. Communities are networks with shared ideas, and by bringing the community together, we can create healthier and happier towns. We aspire to build dignified communities aligned with natural and inherited rights.  There are many potential benefits for building strong communities and these are just some of the many benefits for building dignified communities that we are aspiring to indorse:

Sense of Belonging

One of the major benefits of community building activities is that individual members gain a sense of belonging. Community building can develop a sense of dignity and restore one’s sense of significance and relevance in their town. Having a shared cause provides people with a sense of momentum and purpose. Encourage people to act on their own behalf so that they feel in control of their lives and experience a sense of hope and possibility.


Believe that what others think matters; give them the chance to explain their perspectives and express their points of view; actively listen in order to understand them. Individual in the community take responsibility for their actions; apologize if you have violated another person’s dignity; make a commitment to change hurtful behaviors.

Greater Influence

Taking part in community building activities allows individuals to have greater influence within their town. Being able to participate in a group allows each member to have a more significant impact than if they were alone. Additionally, community building activities allow members to explore ideas with others who they previously would not have been able to. Furthermore, influence can be one of the most critical tools for impact. Treat people as if they are trustworthy; start with the premise that others have good motives and are acting with integrity.

New Ideas

By bringing the community together, innovation grows. Organizing comes with innovation that would not typically occur. Communities rather than individuals are the fundamental part of sustained innovation. Bringing together a diverse community is the best way to come up with truly innovative ideas.

Networking Opportunities

Networking is another great benefit of community building. Whether you want to land your dream job or build more connections, networking is critical to success. Networking is all about community building, not making transactions. Networking should be about meeting new people and building relationships. One day, those connections may lead to greater opportunities. Community building grows stronger connections than typically networking event because most attendees have the same question: What can you do for me? This can lead them into the sense of fairness where all people are treated justly, with equality, and in an evenhanded way according to agreed-on laws based on principles of good governances and rule of law.

Builds Friendships

Other than networking from a business perspective, community building also grows friendships. Whether you make friends from working on a project together, sharing the same values, or by brainstorming new ideas, it’s always nice to develop friendships with those in your community.


So what we do is

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