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+00 210-588-3617

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10 Bartlett Road, Westford,US

Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

Our Strategic Plans

Our Strategic Plans

Our Strategic Plans

Portray what do we want to do, and how are we going to do it?

Comprehensive organizational guidelines for process in which we define our vision for the future and identify our goals and objectives.

Comprehensive Strategic Plans


Flourish Mountains

Hope Alliance

Our Comprehensive Strategic Plans

Rebuilding Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignifid Socitey

Flourish Mountains Hope Alliance is prepared to face the challenges ahead as we enter a new frontier in the struggle for social justice and racial equity.

We are expanding our national networks and building capacity for coordinated action on behalf of people living in poverty, while continuing vital advocacy work in our home region of Nuba Mountains. We are developing the infrastructure necessary to support our growth and organizational excellence.

Below are highlights of our comprehensive strategic plan in which we will constantly emanate targeted goals for each period of fiscal. Nuba Mountains. We are developing the infrastructure necessary to support our growth and organizational excellence.

Our Mission

To inspire, empower, inform, and collaborate with the Nuba people and their community-based organizations to eradicate poverty, injustice and violence and bring the restoration of hope and healing to the communities of most vulnerable categories aiming to build perpetual connected, inclusive, equitable, and philanthropic community.

Our Vision

Strive to fostering innovative generations capable to restore the stolen legacy by providing opportunities to uphold a sense of common destiny for better tomorrow and equip them with necessary tools for radical transformation in themselves, their family, and their communities and enable them apply their potentials for improving their livelihoods and rebuild sustainable, resilient, safer and dignified, society.

Our Values

We carry our mission based on our core values that embodied in:

Our Main Goal

Our goal is to restore the stolen legacy by alleviating the grievances of vanished population through promotion of human security and infrastructure development.

To achieve these goal, The FMHA will build its own capacity, effectiveness, and culture by bringing together ideas and resources to meet the needs of the present and create a future of more opportunity.

Our plans are embodied into two goals that will contribute toward rebuilding sustainable, resilient, safer and dignified society.

Our Approach Include Four Pillars

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