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+00 210-588-3617

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10 Bartlett Road, Westford,US

Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

Help Us Support Emergency Medical Aid​

Why You Can Trust Us?

Help Us Support Emergency Medical Aid​

Promote Health Well-Being    

In 1946, the constitution of World Health Organization first articulated the right to health, stating that “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being”.

Sudan Hope Project uphold this statuary and committed to take further actions to main human health and well-being.  Every service offered through our emergency medical aid initiative is based on our foundational belief that safety and engaged moments are equally important. We create better experiences for everyone – patients, families/guests, clinical staff, the community, and our own associates – by delivering over counter medicines, quality of direct purchased medicines from pharmaceutical and licensed companies.

The Issue:

  • People continue to die without knowing the truth because they are not fairly treated as the only medicine are given to them normally is Paracetamol. It is administered not to treat the root disease but to temporarily subside symptoms. Paracetamol (a low-grade painkiller) is the typical medication given, no matter the disease. Common diseases include Typhoid, Malaria, and Ulcer due to inadequate nutrition.
  • Massive corruptions overwhelmingly pervasive in refugee camps. Local citizens of these working within the refugee camps control the flow of resources that are channeled into the camps. They conduct business “on behalf” of the refugees living within the camps.
  • All the higher-grade medicine are controlled by local citizen employees and sold to private clinics with reasonable prices.
  • All the best medicines are highly prohibited to be prescribed by refugees’ doctors without local citizen authorized personnel and signatures.
  • All of the refugee patients who have been transferred to specialized hospitals due to their serious diseases are not fairly directed in a timely manner until their health situation has become so deteriorated that they finally pass away.

Our Goal:

  • Increase the overall well-being of the refugee populations by helping the remotely isolated refugees who continue to suffer from debilitating factors related to poor health and insufficient medications.
  • Deliver medical aid to devastated Sudanese communities in the refugee camp starting with Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.
  • Properly administer medicines with the targeted remotely isolated populations providing education and support.
  • Ensure that refugee have fair access to all type of treatable medicines.
  • Establish channels to bring aid continually and effectively to the refugee camps protecting them from the corruptions in which they live.
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