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Re-building Sustainable, Resilient, Safer and Dignified Society

High Commission of Health & Sanitation

High Commission

Heads of mission if specific area of concern that demand high performance

Interchangeable cooperation and promotion of necessary growth as required by citizens living in particular geographical territories.

Dr. Zahra

Mission Taskforces

  • Community Health Mission Taskforce 
  • Public Health Mission Taskforce

Project Initiatives

  • Coming Up Soon!
  • Coming Up Soon!

High Commission of Health & Sanitation


Unhealthy communities can lead to chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases and can also impact educational achievement, safety and crime rates, happiness and life expectancy – while in opposite to that, good health can help people live longer, take care for themselves, give them more energy to meet their daily demands, and be more resilient to stress.

Commission dedicated to:

Preserving the essentiality of community health address the needs of groups that lack access to the healthcare system and suffer from increased instances of medical problems because of the absence of community health programs.


Empower individuals, families and communities to have equal access to the care they need to live healthy and happy lives.Coss


  • Improve health by proving access to quality healthcare, nutritious foods, and preventive healthcare services.
  • Promote preventive medicine and medical checkups to reduce the need for emergency services
  • Reduce health gaps caused by differences in income, education, race, ethnicities and locations.
  • Provide safe and clean environments free from environmental hazards such as pollutions and poor water quality.
  • Increase access to immunizations and medications
  • Identify and tries to address socioeconomic, cultural and demographic factors that affect healthcare and wellness.
  • Helping families understand their risk for certain diseases and offer solutions to mitigate those risks
  • Educate the population about wellness steps, such as regular fitness and healthy diet
  • Work with health providers to offer sufficient medicines, health screens and checkups that meet the population’s needs.

Coordinators of Geographical Territories:

Coming Up Soon !

Coming Up Soon !

Commission’s Activities

Coming Up Soon !

Coming Up Soon !

Join out Team in the Field

You are highly welcome to join us and apply your potentials by serving under one of our powerful high commissions and connect with
appropriate taskforce. Pease fill our below form.

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